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发布时间:2014-05-14  阅读次数:3544

Dan Luo: SJTU Nanobiotechnology Course May 2014

(Cooperation& Exchange Office, School of Agriculture and Biology)


Dan Luo is a Tenured Professor in the department of Biological and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University. He is currently also a faculty member in Nanobiotechnology Center, Cornell Center for Materials Research, Biomedical Engineering and New Life Science Initiatives at Cornell. Dr. Luo obtained his BS degree from the University of Science and Technology of China and his PhD in 1997 from The Ohio State University in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology. After a postdoctoral training in the School of Chemical Engineering at Cornell, he joined Cornell faculty in 2001.

Dr. Luo currently is an Associate Editor for "Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology", Editorial Board Member for "Nanomedicine" and also for "Nano Today". Dr. Luo was awarded National Science Foundation's CAREER award in 2006 and Cornell Provost's Award for Distinguished Scholarship in 2007. Dr. Luo was also a recipient of New York State Foundation for Science, Technology and Innovation (NYSTAR) Technology Transfer Incentive Program Award (2005) and NYSTAR Faculty Development Program Award (2007). More recently in 2008, Dr. Luo was awarded the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities.

Dr. Luo's research interests have focused on using DNA as both a genetic and a generic material for real world applications including biosensing, drug discovery, drug delivery, alternative energy, photonic-electronic devices, etc. Since becoming a faculty member at Cornell in 2001, Dr. Luo has given more than 100 invited talks worldwide.

Seminar& Course Series

  • Wednesday 14th 19:30-21:15pm (undergraduates - Freshman)

- Introduction of Nanobiotechnology

Rm0-103, SAB Hall

  • Thursday 15th  10:00-11:45am (graduates)

- Point-of-care molecular sensing using nanotechnology

Rm0-103, SAB Hall

  • Saturday 17th  9:00-10:45am (undergraduates - Freshman)

- Introduction of Nanobiotechnology

Rm0-103, SAB Hall

  • Monday 19th  9:00-10:45am (graduates)

-DNA-based materials and their applications in biotechnology

Rm 0-103, SAB Hall


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