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发布时间:2014-04-15  阅读次数:3580

Jocelyn Rose: SJTU Plant Biotechnology Course April 2014

(Cooperation& Exchange Office, School of Agriculture and Biology)


      Jocelyn completed his undergraduate degree in Biology at the University of Manchester, UK before working for a couple of years for what was previously ICI Seeds (later named Zeneca Plant Science and then Syngenta) at Jealotts’s Hill Research Station, Berkshire, UK.
      He worked on the cell wall biology of fruit ripening for his Ph.D. at UC Davis under advisor Alan Bennett. In 1997 he moved to the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, University of Georgia, to work in the lab of Peter Albersheim and Alan Darvill, where his research was focused on cell wall metabolism in the context of plant-pathogen interactions.

      In 2000, he accepted a faculty position in the Department of Plant Biology at Cornell University where he has continued his interests in the many facets of plant cell wall biology and their societal importance.
      In 2010 Jocelyn accepted the positions of Director of the Institute of Biotechnology and Life Science Technologies and Director of the Center for Life Science Enterprise, one of NY State's Centers for Advanced Technology. He is also operational manager for the McGovern Family Center for Venture Development in the Life Sciences.

      Course & Seminar Series

      Wednesday Apr 16th 13:00-14:45pm (undergraduate students- Sophomore)
- Plant biotechnology: current and future needs and the challenges of the 21st century
- Plant biotechnology, GMOs and society
Rm214, Experiment & Teaching Center, SAB

      Wednesday Apr 23rd 13:00-14:45pm pm(undergraduate students- Sophomore)
- Genomic, proteomic and metabolomic technologies and plant biotechnology
- Plant genotyping, molecular breeding, transformation and genome editing technologies
Rm214, Experiment & Teaching Center, SAB

      Thursday Apr 24th 14:00-15:30pm (graduate students)
- The future of plant genomics, biotechnology and society. Case studies: optimizing crop production and generating new traits through biotechnology
- Scientific writing and communication skills
Rm 219, Chen Ruiqiu Building, SJTU

      Friday Apr 25th 9:00-11:00am (graduate students & faculties)
Seminar: "Insights into the formation and functions of the plant cuticle using functional genomic technologies".
Rm 0-103, SAB


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