报告题目: Bioinformatics tools for next generation sequencing data analysis
报告人: Dr. Junwen John Wang (王俊文)
报告时间: 2013年4月22日上午9:00
报告地点: 农业与生物-ok138cn太阳集团古天乐·太阳3-101会议室
邀请人: 史贤明 教授
The advent of OMICs technologies, such as microarray, next generation sequencing (NGS) and proteomics, is revolutionizing the way we are doing biology. Biomedical research is transiting from a single candidate gene approach to systems biology. This transition is characterized by heavy use of quantitative skills such as bioinformatics, statistics, and programming. In this talk, I will first introduce a novel SNP detection program for NGS data. This program can finish SNP calling within four hours for ten-fold human genome NGS data on a standard desktop computer, and with accuracy higher than any other existing tools. I will then introduce our efforts on function annotation of the SNPs discovered by genome-wide association/NGS studies. We are particularly interested in the SNPs with putative regulatory roles. Finally, I will introduce a web server for integrative analysis of microarray array and ChIP-seq data to infer gene regulatory networks.
Speaker’s Biography
Dr. Junwen John Wang is currently an Assistant Professor at Department of Biochemistry and Centre for Genome Sciences, the University of Hong Kong. He was trained as Food Engineer in China, obtained his undergraduate from Huazhong Agricultural University in Wuhan and master degree from Jiannan University in Wuxi. After a short experience in Food industry in Shanghai, he went to USA to obtain PhD from the University of Washington and MS from the University of Pennsylvania. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Center for Bioinformatics, University of Pennsylvania, and a staff scientist at the National Institute of Cancer of USA before his current position. He is a recipient of the Outstanding Young Researcher Award from the University of Hong Kong.