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发布时间:2011-07-04  阅读次数:3300
1.      Bacillus mojavensis us mojavensis: a bacterial endophyte as a model for biological control of Fusarium verticillioides and reduction of the fumonisin mycotoxin in Maize)
报告人: Dr.Charles W Bacon
USD A Toxicology and Mycotoxin Research Unit, USDA, ARS
时间:7月7日 14:00-15:30
    地点:农生大楼 3-101
2Advance in Molecular Biology of Curvularia Leaf  Spot in Maize and Trichoderma Application as Beneficial Microbe in Agricultural Environment
报告人: 陈捷  教授(资环系)
时间:  7月7日 15:30-16:00
地点:  农生大楼 3-101
3.Study on the copper transport characteristics of Trah514, an amidohydrolase, cloned from Trichoderma reesei
报告人:傅科鹤  博士(资环系)
时间:7月8日 9:00-9:30
地点:农生大楼 3-101
4.Construction and function analysis of Trichoderma transformants with Metarhizium genes against insects
报告人:李莹莹 博士(资环系)
地点:农生大楼 3-101  
5.The molecular basis of adaptive variation of Curvularia lunata in pathogenicity induced by resistant maize cultivars
报告人:高士刚 博士(资环系)
地点:农生大楼 3-101
6.Construction and function analysis of Streptomyces transformants with Trichoderma genes against Botrytis cinerea
报告人:吴琼 博士(资环系)
地点:农生大楼 3-101

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