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发布时间:2018-01-16  阅读次数:9956

  目:Mechanical characterization of nanosized materials and structures

报告人:Prof. Cheng Yan

School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering, QUT






Cheng Yan got his PhD from the University of Sydney in 1998. He is a professor in the School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering, Queensland University of Technology, Australia. He has been visiting scientist/professor at National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Tohoku University and National University of Singapore. His main research interest is mechanical characterization of nano, bio and energy materials. He has generated more than 180 international journal papers and received A$8 million research funds, including 14 Australian Research Council (ARC) grants. He was awarded several competitive fellowships from ARC (Australian Postdoctoral Fellow and Australian Research Fellow) and was the winner of inaugural Queensland international fellowship and nanotechnology category. He has been committee member of Australia Fracture Group and Australian Technology Network. He is the associate editor and board member of four international journals.



Nano-sized materials and structures have demonstrated unique properties, with potential for broad applications include lightweight structures, microelectronics, energy harvesting and storage, bio-devices and tissue engineering. The structure-property relations in these materials and structures have not been well understood, which are attracting increasing research effort. On the other hand, advanced energy systems with enhanced conversion efficiencies, improved storage capacities and better reliabilities are being developed to meet the global energy needs. Lithium ion battery technology is increasingly used in portable electronic devices and electric vehicles owing to its high energy density and long lifespan. In this presentation, our recent work on modeling and mechanical characterization of nano carbon, thin films, metal-organic framework (MOF), biomedical scaffolds and electrode materials will be briefly introduced.

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