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发布时间:2018-06-15  阅读次数:7507

Report title: Food extrusion and how we can utilize bioactive food components from vegetables

ReporterProf. Margaret A Brennan


Location:农业与生物-ok138cn太阳集团古天乐·太阳创新楼 201会议室

Invitor刘 源(YUAN Liu)


Reporter’s introduction



Professor Margaret Brennan is a key researcher at Lincoln University in New Zealand having published over 60 peer- reviewed papers focusing on the role of food ingredients and food processing on altering the structure of foods, nutritional value of products and the effect they have on human nutrition (such as glycaemic response, diabetes, Alzheimers and bioactive bioavailability). Professor Margaret Brennan’s recent work has been on cold and hot extrusion techniques and how mushroom bioactive compounds can be used to improve human nutrition.  


Food processing can have negative effects of the nutritional quality of food products. Extrusion technology is a simple and convenient food processing operation which changes the structure of foods and the nutritional quality of products. The talk will evaluate the potential of using novel food ingredients in extrusion technology to produce healthy ready to eat snack food products.

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