本周五(10月19日)上午,加拿大瑞尔森大学 James LI 教授将做客低碳中心学术沙龙活动,敬请参与。
题目:Green Roof Project (屋顶绿化项目)
主讲人: Dr. James LI 加拿大瑞尔森大学(Ryerson University,Canada)土木工程系教授;注册工程师;美国水量资源工程师院院士;
联系人: 殷 杉 34204780
Prof. James Li 简介:
Dr. Li graduated with a BASc in Civil Engineering and a MASc in Hydraulic Engineering from University of Windsor, and a PhD in Environmental Engineering at University of Toronto in Canada. Dr. Li is a professor in Civil Engineering at Ryerson University in Canada, teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses in environmental engineering. His current research focuses on eco-hydrology and hydraulics, water pollution control planning, environmental benefits of greenroofs, industrial spill management, urban stormwater management, and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay technique for dioxin in environmental matrices.
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