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发布时间:2020-12-11  阅读次数:28958

授课人:何跃辉, 北京大学(中科院上海植物逆境科学研究中心),研究员 






1997-2001,肯塔基大学 (University of Kentucky, USA),博士

2001-2005, 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校,博士后

2005 - 2014,新加坡国立大学,助理教授、副教授

2006 - 2014,新加坡淡马锡生命科学研究所,研究员

2013.6-至今,  中科院上海植物逆境科学研究中心



何跃辉研究员多年聚焦环境信号 (光周期和冬季低温) 调控植物开花时间(flowering time)的分子与表观遗传机理。开花时间受多种内在(如年龄、激素等)与外源环境因子(如季节变化、温度等)的调控。这些因素通过多种遗传途径如光周期路径、春化路径、年龄路径等,调控开花时间基因的表达,从而诱导植物开花。课题组目前的研究主要利用模式开花植物拟南芥,采用分子、生化、遗传及组学的手段,聚焦春化路径及光周期路径,探索季节变化调控越冬植物在春季开花的分子与表观遗传机制。



1. Tao Z, Hu H, Luo X, Jia B, Du J, He Y. (2019) Embryonic resetting of the parental vernalized state by two B3 domain transcription factors in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants, 5: 424-435.

2. Luo X, Chen T, Zeng X, He D, He Y. (2019) Feedback regulation of FLC by FLOWERING LOCUS T and FD through a 5' FLC promoter region. Molecular Plant, 12: 285-288.

3. Li Z, Fu X, Wang Y, Liu R and He Y. (2018) Polycomb-mediated gene silencing by the BAH-EMF1 complex in plants. Nature Genetics, 50: 1254-1261.

4. Li Z, Jiang D and He Y. (2018) FRIGIDA establishes a local chromosomal environment for FLOWERING LOCUS C mRNA production. Nature Plants, 4: 836-846.

5. Z. Li, Y. Ou, J. Li and He Y. (2018) Brassinosteroid signaling recruits Histone 3 lysine-27 demethylation activity to FLOWERING LOCUS C chromatin to inhibit the floral transition in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant, 11: 1135-1146.

6. Y. He & Li Z. (2018) Epigenetic environmental memories in plants: establishment, maintenance, and reprogramming. Trends in Genetics, 34: 856-866.

7. Z. Tao, L. Shen, X. Gu, Y. Wang, H. Yu & He Y. (2017) Embryonic epigenetic reprogramming by a pioneer transcription factor in plants. Nature, 551: 124–128.

8. Yuan W, Luo X, Li Z, Yang W, Wang Y, Liu R, Du J & He Y. (2016) A cis cold memory element and a trans epigenome reader mediate Polycomb silencing of FLC by vernalization in Arabidopsis. Nature Genetics, 48: 1527-34.

9. Li Z, Jiang D, Fu X, Luo X, Liu R & He Y. (2016) Integration of histone methylations with RNA processing by the nuclear mRNA Cap Binding Complex. Nature Plants, 2: 16015.

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